HowTo: Use git effectively1

a) Setup git:

Set default name for git to use when you commit
git config --global "Your Name Here"

# Set default email for git to use when you commit
git config --global ""

# Set git to use the credential memory cache
git config --global credential.helper cache

# Line ending preferences
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git config --global core.safecrlf true

b) Add aliases to git configuration file ~/.gitconfig:

  co   = checkout
  ci   = commit
  st   = status
  br   = branch
  hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short
  type = cat-file -t
  dump = cat-file -p

c) Add aliases to bash profile file ~/.bashrc OR ~/.profile:

  # Git aliases
  alias gs='git status '
  alias ga='git add '
  alias gb='git branch '
  alias gc='git commit'
  alias gd='git diff'
  alias go='git checkout '
  alias gk='gitk --all&'
  alias gx='gitx --all'

  alias got='git '
  alias get='git '

d) Clone repository:

git clone

e) Add files to local repository:

git add <files>

f) Stage changes for commit:

git add <files_changed>

git add -A  # stage all
git add .   # stage new and modified without deleted
git add -u  # stage modified and deleted without new

g) Unstage file for commit:

git reset <file_name>

h) Commit changes:

git commit -m "<commit_message>" OR
git commit -F <log_file>

i) Push changes to git server:

git push

j) Obtain latest changes from git server:

git checkout git pull

k) Amend comment for last commit:

git commit --amend -m "<new_commit_message>"

l) View branches:

git branch

m) Create new branch:

git checkout -b <branch_name>
git push origin <branch_name>

n) Swith to another branch:

git checkout <branch_name>

o) Delete local branch:

git branch -d <branch_name> OR
git branch -D <branch_name>

p) Delete remote branch:

git push origin --delete <branch_name>

q) Merge one branch with another branch:

git checkout <branch1>
git merge    <branch2>
git push

r) Get version of file from given commit

git checkout <commit> <file_name>

s) Revert to state of previous commit (everything done since then will be lost):

git reset --hard <commit_id>

t) Discard changes in working copy that are not in index:

git stash save --keep-index
git stash drop

u) Recover deleted files, if no commit was made after delete:

git checkout .

v) Rename project on GitLab:

git remote set-url origin<username>/<projname>.git
  1. Based on A, B, C and D